Aly Dalrymple
Aly Dalrymple
My artistic journey is fuelled by a connection to the natural world. I create intricate hangings that delve into wildlife, environment, folklore and story. Through layers of stitch, paint and movement, my dreamlike worlds are designed to captivate the viewer. Each piece sends a message of change and growth, provoking questions and feelings.
I use watercolour paint and free machine embroidery stitch on natural calico, a combination of media which developed organically. I first used these two media at the age of 18, and from then my work has matured. I was drawn to the texture, depth and endless possibilities.
Drawing on inspiration from my childhood in the mountains of North Wales, I infuse my work with a deep appreciation for nature.
The images I take from my surroundings I feed into my imagination and love of folklore. I transform what I see in the real world into the sea and landscapes of my imagination.